Super Bowl XLIII

My family, and mom especially are great football fans and everyone is looking forward to the big day. Around here (at the Pub) the partying starts around noon time even though kickoff is not until 6.00pm. Even mom is talking about when/ to get the chicken wings. Most of us are backing the Arizona Cardinals. It is their first time at the Superbowl and who doesn't like the underdog. I especially like the fact that their quarterback Kurt Warner (#13) is a sincere Christian, has an amazing personal story and is bold and vocal about his love of Jesus. To be fair the Pittsburgh Steeler's quarterback also glorified the Lord in their win. It was thrilling to hear both!

Last year I was in Debrecen for the Superbowl and Syble and I were able to see the game on the following Tuesday at the "American Corner" an organization that promotes goodwill between the US and Hungary. Syble and I were both Giants fans, me because I'm a New Yorker and Syb because Eli Manning was from Mississippi, her home. You may remember that the Giants won, and we knew the Giants won but the game was so exciting we were on the edges of our seat especially because they didn't win until the last 3 minutes!

Syble and I really enjoyed showing the Hungarians the way to cheer for your team and how to do the wave. We were very enthusiastic and ....loud of course. It was a blast! We also had to explain why we were so disappointed not to see the commercials. Such cultural differences! So, I am looking forward to the game this year!


Not sure if we'll get to see it here on Hungarian TV. Wish we could cuz I'm rooting for the Arizona Cardinals! :-)

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