July 2019 Update

One of the high points of summer is always our 8 day long church camp. Amazingly, this was my 5th camp!  Our guests this year were good friends, Pastor Wayne and Sherry Sanders from Chardon, OH and Paul Richards from Melbourne, Australia.  Every camp is special and God never fails to bring us the exact ministry, prophetic words and teachings we need! We love these ministers who partner with us for destiny! Click on the following link for our church Face Book page for photos, videos of the messages and interviews from camp attendees.   Here is the link:   https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=chrześcijańskie%20centrum%20„pan%20jest%20sztandarem”&epa=SEARCH_BO

I also celebrated my 72nd birthday during the camp and was so blessed with very beautiful gifts,  warm wishes and fireworks!!!

12 Wooden cabins and a small hotel on site

Our dear friends,  Pastor Wayne & Sherry Sanders

Our very animated & prophetic friend, Paul Richards
Pastor Jan & Barbara and PWayne & Sherry

After glow: Wayne & Sherry, Jan & Barbara and Michael & Jacek
So blessed that Sherry
& I had lots of time together


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