An average day in the life of MJ

if there is an "average" day.

My "day" usually starts at night :-) - Mom is usually in bed by 9 and when she needs to get up for the bathroom she rings a bell and I come running - or stumbling depending on what time it is :-) The bell is a small brass one with a wooden handle and it belonged to her grandmother who used it when she was bedridden. Sometimes the bell rings every 2 hours, sometimes in 3 hrs and the best night is 5 hours. The worst is when she "forgets" to ring the bell and I "hear" her rustling around. We have a monitor in her room and mine.

By 9 am we are at the breakfast table and like to eat and have our second cup of coffee while watching 2 quiz shows. Then it's off to the living room for a nap - (mom not MJ:-) That's when MJ does laundry, the dishes, makes the grocery list etc. Sometimes mom wants lunch most often not. Afternoons we catch our "favorite" show, Millionaire. Then mom might nap or oversee dinner preparations.

On most Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays a companion comes to sit with mom from 11-1 while MJ works out at "Curves" and runs errands.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays the mornings are adjusted to make room for "Ellie" the health aid who comes in to bathe,trim nails, soak feet and massage mom.

Monday nights, sister in law Deb comes from 6 - 7.15 for MJ to go to "Weight Watchers" (where I am making some progress)

My sister is off on Tuesdays and she is good about visiting and covering for me to take a couple extra hours out of the house. Target has become my favorite "away place" as it has a Starbucks :-) where a "Grande, skinny, caramel latte" is only 2 points (Weight Watchers talk)

Practically every evening at least one if not each of my 3 (local) brothers stop to see mom. This is the highlight of her day/life (until Skype :-) and when the family dogs, Libby and Delilah visit.

We also have grandchildren and greatgrands and cousins and friends that visit and that is always a blessing. We would get way too bored and stagnant without this wonderful flow of company.

So, did you notice that there is no scheduled time for me being on line?? I am blessed to have the wireless but to work online sitting next to mom is not the best. I had thought 9 - 11pm would be a good time to catch up with you but sometimes I am too tired to concentrate on that. Pray I get better on that!


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