
Showing posts from January, 2007

The wedding feast is not over until the cabbage rolls are served...

......Unless they have forgotten to cut the wedding cake. Just returned from a wonderful weekend in Uzghorod, Ukraine where ministry friends, Richard and Anya got married. It was an international marriage as the new bride is Ukrainian and the groom – Texan. It was a wonderful ceremony in church especially when the 4 parents were invited to pray for the young couple. Wonderful too, that it all was translated. Any of you who have been blessed to be in Eastern Europe for any amount of time might have attended a wedding. They are a bit different than in US but all weddings usually have food and quite a lot of food. In Hungary and Ukraine, where weddings often last 18 - 24 hours, you can be sure that a lot of food will be served followed by even more food. If you are a novice, you over eat in the first 2 hours, thinking since you have had soup, salad, main course and cakes, that must be all. That in fact is only the beginning. You won’t get soup or salad again but you will get lots more mai

How are you waiting?

Jan 14, 2007 It is Russian New Year’s day and I am in the Ukraine (Mukachevo) on a bus with Hungarian school children who will perform at an orphanage for the heads of Hungary and Ukraine. It took us a while to begin this journey as we could find the bus but not the driver, finally a teacher checked the local “Kocsma” (bar) and there he was…..keeping warm. He got in the bus and looked around and said “Kuda?” Where are we going? Where, we are going to an event to perform for two world leaders! So, here we are the children’s home waiting with great excitement and anticipation for the arrival of President Yushchenko of Ukraine and Prime Minister Gyurcsany of Hungary. I am with the parents who are hidden away in a classroom, prohibited from entering the auditorium where the performance and presentation of gifts will be held. (Small room plus there is the issue of no security checks). I have taken my place by the window that faces the only entry gate. In my mind a siren led parade of black

Hope.... I can hear it

In my UCB daily devotional – “…..the plans I have for you…are…good…to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29.11 TLB It was as if a megaphone was to God’s lips and He was making this proclamation in my ear, to my heart, filling my innermost being with hope and life and light and anticipation and expectancy. I had a great day. What ever you do today and tomorrow, be sure not to give up …hope.