Pastor Wally and the Church of the Diaper

Banjo player and Pastor Wally lead worship at Faith Community Bible Church in Fort Plain, NY

The warehouse holding the reason this is called the Diaper Church

Thanks to monthly transports from Wal-Mart the church is able to reach out to the many single mothers, teenage moms and families in need

Ellie, although not a single mom is blessed by the help she gets. She is a special young mom who not only cares for her own 3 children but also her sister's 2 children - Here is Ellie and the 4 under 5!! Her sister is in the military and on deployment. The government does not help with child care.
Thanks to the favor of God, this church became the county holding center for all of Walmart's returns, extra, overrides and surplus. It is a huge blessing for this community especially in this economy and in this depressed area. Each person receiving the diapers and other goods also receive information about the church with an invitation to attend. But, no strong arming!
In the last year more than 40 people were added to the church and every week new people visit.
Last week - 7 visitors and 5 salvations! Next month we are having a water baptism service and 10 people already signed up. Praise God for His work amongst us!!


Praise God! He is moving there! And you get to be a part of it! Wow, isn't He wonderful???!!!! I love you and miss you so very much!

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