So much has happened since last blog....

Mom fell last weekend - we really saw the mercy of God in it but it shook us all up. One minute she was walking with her walker into the next room and the next she pirouetted to the floor. She landed squarely on her left hip and side. I really believe an angel caught her and helped her to the ground as not only was nothing broken but no scraps or bruises.

More "coincidences" - my nephew Ryan who is studying to be a doctor and who has worked part-time for 2 years with an ambulance crew just days before received his "medic" certificate. If we had needed an ambulance - he would have attended mom. He had just finished a shift, had come to visit "gram" and had gone home for dinner so when we called he and his dad quickly came.

Within a short time the whole family gathered and mom assured us nothing was broken.

Brother Tim arrived (from Singapore) on Tuesday for a week and it has been pretty busy with mini family gatherings. Thanks to "Skype" mom has been enjoying times with her newest "greatgrands" Tim's grands. Mom has held up well but we'll see what happens when Tim leaves. Even before the fall, she has been talking not being around too much longer, she has had dreams of sharing meals with her mom and she told us all that she is no longer afraid of going. She often prays with me at bed time and I am seeing some evidence of faith in her life.

Pastor Wally and his church are praying for us and he calls weekly. I am enjoying the church serices, too.


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