Train travel

I take this train so often, I have learned where to stand to get into the only car of this loooong train) that goes over the border into Ukraine. Not only is it important to know which car to get into, it is important to know how to quickly and easily get onto the train. Here in Eastern Europe it is very important to know the train/bus/trolley/tram etiquette. You need to approach the door from the side so that the disembarking passengers than have room to get off. In a group, we would send the spryest person up first, and then toss (if at all possible) all the luggage to then. Then the rest would quickly get on. Quickly being the key here, as the train leaves again after only 2-4 minutes! To prepare to disembark, everyone heads for the exit with their coats on and their bags at the ready when the train/bus/tralley/tram has left the stop before your intended stop. The above is a picture of Christy (American in England) and Carol as we wait for the train to Csop, Ukraine. Notice how lightly the 3 of us packed, of course we were only there for 3 days. This train originated from Budapest and the 3 Hungarian ladies who were going with us were on this train and we all met up in the first car, the one going into Ukraine.


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