Certain ministries.....Life

The Hope and Life team in association with Grace Fellowship and Nehemiah come alongside and help certain ministries working in Ukraine. One of the ministries is called "Life" and it's outreach is to Jewish holocaust survivors and their families.
Left: Vika, Rita, Volya and Roman. Right:Ignats, a survivor, Volodya and MJ
This office works tirelessly to help with clothing, food and money as many families as possible, now about 75. They also mail out beautiful flyers or postcards for every Jewish holiday. These pieces are one of a kind, very inspired and beautiful. They are cherished by the recepients. Many are now coming to the office every Friday for Shabbat. Everyone says the special Shabbat prayers as the candles are lit, share the Challah (homemade and delicious) and wine and enjoy readings from both old and new testament. Singing is included and sometimes dance. A special celebration will happen in June with guests from Israel visiting.


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