Saturday, March 6

The last day of the conference is full with worship, sharing of testimonies, meals and meetings. We start sharing addresses and see a montage of all the photos taken. You will really enjoy some of these photos. I have had a number of divine appointments/connections. The only thing that has been lacking is time to reflect, process and pray privately. We have had some really pivotal times praying corporately. I can't imagine a better introduction to Israel than this conference, this week. I was able to travel from the north to the south and the west traveling by bus and boat :-). I think it was important that "Certain Women" stayed in Galilee for this first visit and first week. Galilee - where Jesus called the first disciples, calmed the stormy sea, fed the multitudes, healed the sick and preached the beatitudes. Suddenly the pages of The book become almost three dimensional. Will I ever be the same? I pray not!


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