Israel, Friday, March 5

Today, the attendees had a choice of seminars or an outreach to Haifa. I went to the port town of Haifa, beautifully situated on the Mediterranean Sea. Haifa is a Jewish, Arab city where people seem to live peacefully together. I was glad to be with my new English friend, Jill who spoke enough Hebrew to allow us to have some good discussions with shoppers and store clerks. It was a beautiful day and we got back in time for my first Israeli Shabbat.

The weather in Israel is very nice - mid 60's to mid 70's. It is the time of citrus harvest and we all are really enjoying the fresh oranges and grapefruits. It is also the time of the almond tree blossoming. The poppies are out, also boganvillia in bright and vivid colors.

"Certain Women" are loving being in Israel.


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