Palm Sunday, Church in Vinga, Romania

Truly, a New Testament Church

"and when you come together everyone should bring a song,

a revelation (testimony in this case)

and a teaching....let all things be done for edification." 1Cor 14.26

God really blessed the message of the first day of His last week and His triumphal entry into Jerusalem (Matt 21:1-11). Bogdan was an excellent translator (also a pastor in training) and I really enjoyed this church. Everyone came together eager for the Word and many shared scriptures and song and testimonies of God's healing touch. At the end of the service we prayed for the sick and any other needs. God gave a number of Words of Knowledge and we believe we will hear many good reports. This village church even blessed me with an offering as they are being taught to be tithers and givers. The church built on a new room for the children (usually around 50 of them) and have a youth group of about 20. They are experiencing growth in every area.


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