Happy Thanksgiving!

May your Thanksgiving be blessed with a table overflowing, the family gathered round, the house full of sounds of joy and laughter and a heart grateful for the bounty of the Lord.

May you know His peace and fullness of joy during this wonderful time of celebration.

I joined Face Book recently and a friend sent a "note" that I should list 25 specific things I wanted to do in the future. I really took some time to think about it and the list is pretty interesting and as yet unpublished. But as I thought more about it I realized that the Lord has blessed me already with a very full and interesting life. In fact many of the things I've done are on other people's list! I began to thank Him for all the wonderful places he has taken me to, all the great adventures He's given me and I was overcome with thankfulness for all the incredibly, wonderful people He has faithfully placed in my life no matter where I lived and I thought...... specifically of you!! Thank you for being there for me, or here for me or in prayer for me, thank you for being you to me!! I am blessed!

And yes, I will celebrate Thanksgiving with all the trimmings with friends and church family in Budapest but not until Sunday....wish you were here!


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