ICF-International Christian Fellowship-Szeged Friday at 7 - Our first wedding!!
The groom Zoltan and the bride Anita with Mary Jill who performed the wedding.

You may now kiss your bride!!

The wedding cake

Anita, Zoli and baby Denes get ready to cut the cake

The wedding party: Eszter(Pepus), Gabi, Arden and Zoli (Dubi)

Time to go home. Zoltan, Anita, Tamas and baby Denes

Zoltan and Anita were married by the local government authorities on February 28, 2004 but the Lord began working in their hearts and they decided they wanted to be married before God (the Higher authority!) Anita and Zoli have a special relationship with Arden and with ICF as both their boys were healed as an answer to prayers: Tamas in the womb when Arden's bible study prayed for Anita, and ICF when baby Denes was prayed for and healed of floppy baby syndrome earlier this year. When Zoli and Anita considered where to marry they realized who their church family was and came to ICF. Over 50 people came to celebrate and witness this special event.


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