Ukraine Ministry - Part 5 - Hope & Life - Missionaries

The Hope & Life Ministry Team in Uzghorod is a non-profit ministry affiliated with Grace Fellowship, Nashua, NH. Besides watching over the ministries reported about in Parts 1-4, Hope & Life also began an English School called "Life English". Their goal is to teach English with excellence and also to give opportunity to the students to "taste and see that the Lord is good!!"

 Hope & Life offices - Mike & Volodya get ready for an English lesson. This semester more than 80 students are enrolled and 2 business classes are scheduled to begin in the mornings. God is good!!
 New missionaries to Uzghorod since January is Mike and Annie Hollenbeck and their daughter, Solomiya. Mike & Annie have been sent from Changepoint Church in New York and this is Pastor Marlow's first visit to see them.
 You can imagine all the oh's and ah's this little sweetie gets. Her mom also gets a lot of looks...and advice...seems Solomiya is never quite bundled up enough for this culture... She gets LOTS of looks from church people too because it is very unusual that mother's bring babies to church..especially for the first year or 2 or 5!
Here with the Hallenbeck's is Jim & Laurie Sliz also from New York. They moved to Uzghorod in September and are living on the farm in Pavlova that house the children that have been moved from institutional life. Jim & Laurie are the evening house parents and are helping to train in "living skills" and English. All of these missionaries are also studying Ukrainian and/or Russian. Jim & Laurie lived on a farm and Jim is preparing to plant 400 blueberry bushes in raised beds of soil. When the soil mixture is just right, the blueberries will be planted and a cottage cottage industry project for the house will flourish.

The "Heart" of  Hope & Life Ministry team - dear friends, Volodya and Oksana
Amazing - on the streets of Uzghorod, Ukraine a truck with New York plates!!
Volodya, Marlow and Vince and team ministering Pastor Joseph and his team of young people.


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