Celebrating 20 years in Europe

In 1992, I was sent out from my church in New York to the mission field of Scotland.  I had strongly felt the Lord had said my dates to leave where March 23-25 - huh? for one flight??? The Holy Spirit is so smart :-). My brother Tim offered me his free miles to London. We asked for a ticket on March 23 - none available but there was a flight on the 24th and I landed on the 25th!! So this past weekend I celebrated 20 years full-time on the mission field of Europe!  By that first March weekend, I knew I was exactly where God wanted me and just in the perfect timing of God!  and then - Yes, I lived in a castle in Scotland....and the relationships I made there were of silver and gold and yes, still treasured after all these years and still connected to many from those early years of mission. Imagine - it was so long ago - no cell phones, no Facebook, no internet access, no blogs, Twitter, FaceTime or Skype! How did we ever manage?  ....snail mail, transatlantic-only in emergency-very expensive phone calls and THE cutting edge of communication in 1992 - sending faxes!!!   How much easier life is in 2012! How much has changed in 20 years! It is really amazing to consider. I wonder if I have changed to that extent?


Anonymous said…
Congratulations on 20 years! Amazing!

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