Women for Women & Certain Women in Romania

MJ, Jackie and Paulette

Fellow missionary Jackie Ramsey and I just had our 3rd ladies meeting in Arad, Romania. In March the Lord encouraged us to "launch out" and begin these meeting. Despite the August date we had more than 40 women attend. This time their were more that 6 churches represented which was very encouraging and we had a number of "prebelievers". The worship group brought a sense of anticipation and expectation and the freshness of the Spirit of God.  The meetings are really a step of faith and even the worshippers are unrehearsed until the day and often are new to worshipping with each other. But what a wonderful unity there was with this group and how the Lord commanded a blessing! (Psa 33)

I was the lead off speaker and spoke on the sublect of "Crowns" and how God delights in crowning our year with bounty, blessings and goodness. (Psa 65, 21) and how we must "hold fast" our crown that it will not be taken from us. (Rev 3.11).

Our main speaker was a new friend, Paulette Carson from Texas. She heads a ministry called "Beautiful Gates Translations" website and raises funds to translate Beth Moore bible studies into Romanian. She then at her own expense comes into the nation and does conferences to encourage women to have bible studies and then entrusts them with the already translated material. What a blessing that is!  She brought a really encouraging word about accepting the pressures of life and allowing them to form the various facets of the diamond God is creating in us. She gave each of us a sparkly, many faceted diamond (acrylic) :-) to take away with us.  We then had a time of prayer with many ladies coming forward for ministry.

On Sunday, I ministered at Jackie's church in Vinga.  I spoke from Joshua on Achan's "hidden"sin that when exposed cost him not only his life but also the destruction of his whole family and all his possessions. And contrasted with Rahab's faith and belief which saved her life and the life of her father, mother, siblings and their possessions. I encouraged all of us of the great and personal promise in Acts 16.30 when the Roman guard asked what shall I do to be saved and Paul answered "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved, you and your household....and they did, and they were saved! 16.34. How wonderful of the Lord to be interested individually in us while opening the door for a promise for our whole household and family!  We then joined in prayer, in faith, crying out to the Lord for our unsaved family members.

After that we had dinner with one of the church deacons, went to pray for a number of gypsy familes and visited a TB hospital to deliver food. Life with Jackie is always interesting as she often ministers to the least of the least of them.!     Next time I will stay longer and help her with her outreach to the mental hospital and the squatters camp.  You can check her blog out here.


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