Hope and Life team

Timea and Edick met as missionaries in Moldova
 Edick and Timea with son Samuel
Volodya & Oksana are the parents of 2 boys Volodya and Daniel
 Mr & Mrs "Life" Volodya and Oksana
Richard and Anya are expecting there first baby in February
Mr & Mrs "Hope" Richard and Anya

What a wonderful, hardworking team we have. Anya is writing the lessons for "LifEnglish" while Richard and Volodya are the main teachers. Edick and Timea head up the team going to the technical schools and teaching contemporary issues. Affects of alcohol, smoking etc. A local university is now asking for a team.

There are a number of English schools in the area and we are not competing as such but do offer a native speaker and with a lower price per class as we are targeting university students.  We have about 35 students coming this first week. We offer an introductory lesson for free and we have one evening class every week as a conversational group and that is also always free. Last week's discussion was on "Success" with a lively discussion about true success. The student's took home the scripture about  what worth is it to gain the world and lose your soul. Exciting times!


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