To catch up #1- May in New York

At The River Church in Poughkeepsie, NY
Pastor Vince and Deidre Brassard "Trying on the church to see if it fit" did!!
Everyone is so excited that they will be moving there in the fall.
Scottish Prophet and friend Alan Ross, special meetings with the church and lots of fellowship.
Pastor Marlow and Tonya Dunham, wonderful friends and partners in the Gospel!

River Church Leadership BBQ

and in upstate NY - Johnstown

..My mom with Frank Ambrose, an officer who served with my dad in Italy during WWII. He had lots of stories we had never heard.

A Pub lunch with the "girls" Jayne, Joan and Judy

A reunion with the card club from the '70's - yes a blast from the past and LOTS of laughs!

Front row sitting: Peggy and Debby
Standing: Cheryl, MJ, Kathy, Sue and Milly

A very special trip! Mom recognized me right away and introduced me to all the staff as her firstborn. When telling my brother - Mom recognized me, she said "and why wouldn't I?"
Physically she is stronger and stronger but some days in her own "soap operaic" world. (and she was never a fan!) I came to believe that we intruded on her world. But, she is well cared for with lots of family attention, too, I am so grateful for that.


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