The Destination, June 24-28 Ukraine

The wonderful worship team!

The purpose of this trip was to be the guest speaker for the Church of the Living God, Mukachevo. I have been visiting this church since 1992 and am close friends with a number of the leadership and have brought greetings at many services but this was the first I have been invited to speak for a ladies meeting. In fact it was the first ladies meeting in a number of years. The meeting was well attended with about 70 ladies. Even 4 friends from Uzghorod attended. The church was encouraged as there were new ladies,too. God was so good and His presence so sweet. He lead me to first share my testimony and then about "Certain Women" the ministry. Then we broke for fellowship, sweets and drinks. When we regrouped I shared from the Word, mainly from Matt 6 - "Don't worry about these things....Seek first the Kingdom of God and ALL these things will be added to you." Pastor Tibi's wife Eve had known I spoke on this subject to the Khust ladies and she felt it was an important Word for her women,too. It was very well received and many hearts were touched. At the break I consulted with Eve and when the service ended and we invited ladies to come forward for prayer our prayer team consisted of ladies from Mukachevo church and the ladies from Uzghorod. I always like to see the ladies functioning in their giftings whether it be translating, worship, song, dance or prayer and prophecy, sharing, teaching or preaching...and we had all of that!

The excellent ministry team!

The joyful dancing!
The special music!
An amazing thing happened after the meeting. I received an e-mail from the 4 ladies from Uzghorod sharing with me a number of things God has spoken to them at the meeting. A significant thing was He confirmed to them that they are "Certain Women" and they now feel called to minister in prayer and even travel when possible with me in Ukraine. I felt God spoke the same thing to me, so wait for further developments!
Special friends along the way - in Uzghorod
2 days before the meeting
Dear friend Lola and her husband to be!! They will be married in August and he will move from Odessa to Uzghorod to help Lola in her ministry as well as settling in as newly weds. Congratulations Lola and Andras!!

Timea is part of Lola's team and the wife of Edik and mom of Samuel. They were missionaries to Moldova and I have been invited to join them on a trip there in the future.

More of Lola's team. See the dignifies lady in gray, 2nd from right? She is a vital part of this ministry reaching out to the poorest of the poor, delivering humanitarian aid, medicine, prayers and encouragement. Not many years ago, she was a drunk in the gutters of the town! But Jesus saved and restored her!! A powerful testimony of living God!

And of course our blessed Hope and Life team,
Volodya sitting in the recently built coffee shop on the main level of the New Testament Church.
I did have some time with his wife Oksana later in the day but by then my camera was down.

Anya and Richard looking glowing. Anya always translates for the ladies meetings - a great partner for me and more recently a great hostess for me as I stay in their home when in Uzghorod
and longtime friend Fred, a Scottish missionary in Mukachevo and part of the team.

Please pray for Fred as his back was giving him a LOT of trouble, perhaps a slipped disc. He was scheduled for a doctor's appointment, too but keep praying. Thank you.


Beth Sciallo said…
So wonderful - and exciting! Thank you so much for sharing this. I am encouraged. love and blessings, Beth
Anonymous said…
Will be praying for Mr. Fred, hope he is doing better already.

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