Into the new year ...2012

I have such an expectation of what a year this will be!! 2012 - A year of government, A year of establishment A year filled with Grace to bring order into any area of our lives where there is dis-order. This January, I felt impressed to closet away with the Lord as much as I could to make sure the "first" month of the new year would line up in a right way with His will and giving Him the preeminence. I am re-establishing somethings as priorities and am spending time to consider what things are important to God and what things are good but will ultimately be only a distraction to His best for me. I am enjoying the time He has given me and I am enjoying tidying up those loose ends. We had wonderful services at ICB on Sunday, January 2 and 8th. On the 8th we had people in the overflow hall :-)of course, we were in the smaller meeting room but God continues to encourage us that He is doing a new thing in our midst and we will see new life and enjoy new growth this year. One of the unique things He showed us this Sunday was how He is well able to untangle the knotty areas of our lives. He not only illustrated it with my necklace, but also with another lady's necklace and a family's tree lights - all a tangled mess and suddenly - they were loosed, freed, untangled. One more illustration came that in Alaska before you could get to climb the mountain, you had to walk through the "tangles" of brush. You had to make it through. Any of you have entanglements you need loosed from or mountains to climb this year? Mountains you don't want to go around one more time. I believe God is giving us another opportunity to straighten some things out. I've thought of this often this week, when worry or anxiety has "tempted" me to get all tangled up in knots and I saw in the Gospels (Mt 13.22) when the seed was sown in the thorns it choked the seed and made it unfruitful. I do not want to be unfruitful in my life and I don't want to have an unfruitful, unproductive year. I have been encouraged that this year is a time for all the seed sown into our lives to produce a great harvest and fruit that will last through eternity. A time when we can call into harvest the seeds we have sown into others and into other fields. A time of our fields being ripe unto harvest. 2012 I have renewed hope and great expectations of all you will bring forth this year. May it bring us all into new maturity and alignment with His will. May we become more established, more grounded, more confident, more secure in His faithful, merciful care of us and may we be more like Him in image. May we be blessed to see in 2012 more of His kingdom on earth!


Amen! Great and encouraging words, which I wholeheartedly appropriate for Annie and I for this new year!

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