May team travel events

Dear readers,

In sad news my beloved digital camera died and I have been waiting to receive photos from others to update my blog. I know, I know I could have just written but I love having photos seems more inspiring and easier to read.

Last Sept when God called me to the work in Ukraine there was a vision of me on a white horse crossing a bridge. In each hand I was holding a flag - one Ukrainian, the other Hungarian. It has been my joy to open the door into Ukraine for my dear friend, Ica. She has long felt called to ministry to women and God truly confirmed and expanded that call.

Our first meeting was with Lola who heads up a work for the very poor and needy. Her ladies were in faith for the prophetic and that really flowed. Ica brought a wonderful message about God earing the prayers of a mother's heart and turning teenaged/young adult children back to him. It was very specific for this group of women.

From there we went to my good friend's Ivan and Angelika's gypsy church to minister to the youth. Exciting news as youth are being saved daily and families who had gotten saved 10 years ago and fell away are coming back to the Lord. Please pray for Ivan and Angelika to be strengthened. Pray God gives tham wisdom in raising up leaders. They are being greatly encouraged these days, by God and His people.

The next day we joined Rita and "Life" ministry at Shabbat. At the end of the service Rita served refreshments and said, if you want to stay in this room, Mary Jill and Ica will pray for you, or come for a bite to eat. Many chose "spiritual refreshment" and we had a precious time ministering there.

We were rushed from Shabbat to another meeting, this time with the youth group of the New Testament church. My co-worker Volodya is the youth pastor and his heart is to raise up warriors for God. He certainly has some young lions in the room! We had a wonderful time of prayer, worship, word and prophetic ministry.


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