Walking in Uncommon Favor!

Any of you living in a foreign country are probably well aware of  the bureaucracy of forms, waiting in lines, needing proper stamps, ribbons, and often witnesses to make any "official" changes or requests will understand this amazing statement..... this week I went to not one but two government offices in one day and completed my business in less than 20 minutes for each office. No waiting in line, no leaving the building to pay the charge, and incredibly..... left with the newly corrected document in my hand! Office number 1, a precious new friend named Anna met me at the front door and escorted me to her office. She then updated my address on my car papers.  With that in hand I traveled across town to office #2 to apply for an annual parking permit for the first district of Budapest.  Upon entry the doorman understood my request :-) (in Hungarian), took me into an office where an unusually cheerful young man worked.  He was so glad to see that I was listed in the computer. He asked if I was a missionary (??) and we chatted away in Hung-lish while he printed, stamped, wrapped and Viola! - permit paid for and decal on windshield.  Thank God and someone(s) who's been praying for me!!

In addition, the request for renewal of my residency permit was handed in on Feb 7 and I have received NO phone calls to request additional paperwork, so I look forward to picking up my new residency card at the end of the week! Praise God for His help, favor and goodness!! He has made the way clear!


JoanneB said…
Hallelujah!!!!! Favor with God ~~ Favor with man :-) :-) And, yes, surely the effectual prayers of those one in spirit with you for the tasks at hand!! Praise the Lord.
Joanne B
Anonymous said…
Slava Boug! Amazing! May God continue to grant you favor and friends in high places!

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