Salvations,healings and freedom!

What an incredible time of ministry in Ukraine these last 2 weeks. The first meeting I had was in Khust and was a ladies meeting - complete with drama, special music, and refreshments. About 70 ladies came for the conference named "She is Free". God gave me a wonderful message about giving up an anxious distracted mind (worries) and cultivating a sound mind of peace. (Matt 6.25-34) Almost everyone came forward for prayer. The meeting started at 3 and we finished praying at 8.30 pm! The best part was the 3 ladies that prayed to ask Jesus into their heart. This is one of my favorite churches and I loved the fellowship with Pastor Vitaly, his wife Lena and his 2 sons and sweet daughter. Onto Uzghorod where I met with former missionaries to Moldova who asked me to go there with them in the fall. I am so excited about that new door opening. I also met with good friends and ministry partners Lola and Joseph and Tanya. I spent lots of time fellowshiping with Anya and Richard and Oksana and Volodya our Hope and Life ministry team. We also had a very productive Hope & Life meeting with Pastor Paul Berube. A very special ministry time was spent with the city Gypsy church with Pastor Victor and his people and I also did a ladies meeting for Pastor Vadim with about 35 ladies attending. Another highlight was spending a special evening of prayer with ladies from various ministries. The Lord has opened a door for Richard & Anya to meet weekly with a technical school and speak about current topics and concerns and share moral values. The guest speaker for last week's event was Miss Ukraine 2007. Lika is a sincere Christian with a powerful testimony of purity. The school has mostly young men as students and for this assembly they arrived early. Rounding out the trip was Shabbat evening with my precious friends at "God's Pearl" . I spoke from Psa 16.11 "You will show me the path of life; In your presence is fullness of joy, At your right hand are pleasures forevermore." And joy broke out!! The trip was then blessed with the arrival of a team of 25 from Nashua, NH with Pastor Paul Berube. We had a very special day of prayer and then 2 services in Mukachevo on Sunday. Got to see many friends there! All in all a most wonderful time of ministry!


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