Easter Saturday and Sunday

Easter Saturday was spent with the Bartha sisters,Kata and Borbala in Vac along the Danube River. What a wonderful time we all had together and the weather was beautiful!! I was telling them about an idea to bless Hungarian English teachers with a "camp" with native speakers and the creative ideas began to flow! (Diosjeno, July 19-21). The girls offered to come and help with the 3 day event and Borbala (a teacher of teachers!) just about wrote the program as we sat enjoying the sun. Stay tuned for more details.

Easter Sunday service at the International Church of Budapest was just wonderful. Dear friends Patricia and Sandor Varga lead the worship, there was a slideshow of "Spring" sent by Slovakian friends, Sharon Bixler talked to the children about the true meaning of Easter (not chicks, eggs and bunnies but the Lamb that was slain for all) and presented each child with a lovely chocolate lamb. Otto had a wonderful teaching about the "New Life" we can experience through Jesus' victory over death. He also had us make a fresh start to bring that new life to all areas of our life by listing on a sheet of paper our sins, bringing them up to the table and putting them in a basket (contents to be unread and destroyed), go to the next table and receive communion and then to the 3rd basket to make a tithe/offering. It was a very good service which included some special prayer time for some members going through grievious times. All in all a great day and the church was pretty well packed out with a mission team in and lots of first time visitors. I pray your Easter weekend was as blessed!!


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