The Call DC

On this Saturday, August 16th, there will be perhaps 100,000 Christians in the US, in Washington D.C., fasting and praying for 12 hours for the USA. This is "THE CALL D.C." You might remember that I went last year (7-7-07) to The Call Nashville. Tomorrow our friend Arden will be at The Call, DC. Also, many of my friends from Operation Outcry and the Justice Foundation will be participating from the stage.

It will be a time full of worship, prayer, repentance and praying for many issues, including the elections. This is a time when the US needs a real SWEEPING REVIVAL! And many such revivals have started in just this way.

Several of the leaders have already been fasting and praying for 40 days for God's mercy
and glory.

So, what should we all do? WE CAN JOIN IN BY INTERNET. Even if you can only join in for
an hour, it will count for eternity because this is God's history! Even if you're not from the
US or don't live there, your prayers are also desperately needed.

Here is the Website:
It starts at 10:00AM (EDT) and goes until 10:00PM (EDT) so you can join off-and-on if you want to.

God has promised:
If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek
My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and will forgive
their sin and will heal their land. Now My eyes shall be open, and My ears shall be open to the prayer of this place.
(2 Chron. 7:14-15)

God is faithful. When He hears the desperate cries and repentance of His people, it touches
His heart, because He loves us and has not given up on the US.

PLEASE DON'T YOU GIVE UP EITHER. Join in, or at least have a special time of prayer wherever you are and whatever you are doing on Saturday, August 16th. The US needs your prayers and the Lord listens for your voice! The US affects many nations in the world, and especially Israel. (Thank you Peter & Ginny V for details)


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