ESI, Spiritual Renewal Retreat

Top row,above: Erin,Susan,Heather, David,Lauren, MJ, Dave,Joanna
seated:Emeshe,Sarah,Kelly, Kelly(RFC),Steve,Lydia

My friend Erin, (who is sent out from Alaska,too) is in her 3rd year of teaching in the Hungarian school system and has found her mission and calling here. Her placement organization is called ESI. This year Erin is the retreat coordinator and asked me to minister for their Spiritual Renewal weekend. Over the years, I have had many friends in ESI and being with this group today brought all of that back to mind. Kelly, the Regional Field Coordinator, came in from Prague. She has been with ESI for a quite awhile and knew the Enserinks who lived at Toldy Ference. When Steve & Shirley left that became my flat and "The Upper-Room Mission Guest House". One of the current ESI families, Steve and Lydia live in that flat today. Kind of a full circle. Lydia is the head of the Hungarian branch of "Mom's in Touch" and is hoping I could connect her with some Debrecen moms and I will work on that. We had a great time together. Erin lead worship (wonderfully)and I encouraged the teacher's to be purposeful in influence and in making a difference and in being different to their students and fellow teachers. Different because they exude the light and love and peace of Christ. Different in exhibiting another culture and mindset, not of the west but of the Kingdom. God's presence was really with us, and we had wonderful times of prayer, too. We also enjoyed some fresh brewed Starbuck's coffee (thanks for sharing Dave), and a wonderful breakfast and lunch. Joanna and Emeshe led a great team encouragement game time and the schedule allowed for lots of fellowshipping. The event was hosted by Dave and Susan in their lovely flat. Susan is a wonderful, generous hostess and the party was still going strong when Erin and I left at 5. Speaking of Starbucks, the English Dave, has started a campaign to get Starbucks in Budapest. Go, Dave, go!! If you are on Facebook, you could join his crusade. :-) just search Starbucks, Budapest.
PS: Happy Super Bowl Sunday. Be sure to check out Ed&Syble's blog about the big game. Just click on their name under Certain Friends (above on right side of my blog page)


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