Image of an arrow - ICF Szeged

When we started meeting to discuss the viability of "Friday at 7", I kept seeing the image of an arrow head. It was such a good illustration from the Lord. We identified Arden as the "point person" as she is on site in Szeged. Jim Person family and myself are the "sides" to strenthen and the university students make up the shaft and the Holy Spirit the feathers.

While in Alaska, I shared this illustration with the mission council and James Kurth told me some of what he has learned since he has taken up archery.

The tip of the arrow is the trailblazer and it pierces the skin and makes the initial entry. It cuts the trail for the rest of the arrow...if the point is sharp, it goes 25% deeper. The initial cut into the thick skin makes an easy way for the rest of the arrow.

The points/sides are to expand and widen the effect of the arrow head. The function of the these corners is to expand. As the point breaks the skin, and the corners expand the wound, the work is done without much effort.

The shaft is called the spine. It provides weight and structure. The spine needs to flex and not be too rigid, but needs as it flies, to straighten out and fly true.

The feathers keep the arrow on track and makes the arrow spin.

Wow, God you ROCK!!! This is so rich. Please pray for us as Father God establishes us as that arrow of His, sets us on the bow and shoots us with accuracy at the target!


Unknown said…
wow, both these blogs are great. tell people to visit the website too...that it is a work in progress. Yes, the Lord has been sharpening me...and keeps drawing me to Himself by grace.
Kelly said…
Mary Jill- WOW! What an excellent thing to learn and understand! Things are going great it seems and you have arrived safely in Hungry- we miss you already. Glad you'll be back next month! Check out my blog @ Also I pray abundant blessings on Szeged!
Much love because of Him,

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