The team that traveled into Ukraine

Mary Jill with Pastors Marlow and Vince. What wonderful fellowship we had together! Our roots of friendship go back many years to our days in Alaska. Vince and Marlow know each other for more than 30 years. This was Vince's first trip to Ukraine and God touched him and used him is some amazing ways. Marlow ministered throughout the region on "A church without walls". He sprinkled his teachings liberally with stories of hunting and fishing in Alaska. He draws some amazing truths out of his favorite sport - fishing! Vince taught on "Leading from the Second Chair" and his over 20 years of experience really shone through. I ministered from John 13 when Jesus washed the disciples feet and then said you do likewise and about the need of "clean feet". Vince said it was like mom sitting at the kitchen table having a serious discussion with you. All of our messages were well received as almost 50 of our ministry partners gathered together on one day. Joining us were Jim and Laurie, a couple from upstate New York who will move to the Trans Carpathian region of Ukraine when Jim retires in 18 months. They have been in Ukraine many, many times but this was a "tester" to see about coming alongside and working with the Hope and Life team. During the 10 days we spent together, it was easy to see what an asset this wonderful couple will be to the team. Plus, they both already have a very good start on the language! We visited many ministries, churches, mens groups, ladies groups, leaders meetings, english classes and homes. We even had time for some shopping, meals out, a few hours in and LOTS of laughs! Best of all the Kingdom of God was advanced.


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