Heading to the end of this season

I will be traveling for most of the month of September. From 3-10 Sept, I will be in Kansas City, MO visiting Arden who has relocated to IHOP - International House of Prayer, the ministry of Mike Bickle. Arden relocated there from Szeged, Hungary. This will be a sabbatical year for her. Follow her blog by clicking her listing under "Certain Friends".
Sept 10-29 I will be in Anchorage, Alaska visiting friends and supporters and reconnecting with my sending church "Abbott Loop Community Church" (ALCC) http://www.abbottloop.org/
This was my furlough year and I will return to Alaska to report on this year and what I see ahead when I return to Hungary at the end of October.
This Labor day marks one year since the Lord turned my heart and ministry to New York. It has been a surprising, intense, emotional and extremely enriching and rewarding year being "home" to care for my mother. I so appreciate the many prayers, phone calls, emails, facebook entries and Skype calls and snail mail cards you made/sent to encourage me. Keep up the good work!! :-)
Mom is safely transitioned to a nearby nursing home. We are all settling in to the new routine. She is facing a few more physical challenges, broken wrist, recurring urinary tract infections etc. Her dementia has increased but she is mostly peaceful and often happy in her situation. She is always excited for the family to visit and it helps a lot that we are a big family.
This year has been such an incredible learning process for me - I could/should probably write a book about it. There have been some very funny times and many heart felt times. My greatest joy is the knowledge that when mom's life on earth is over she will continue on. I know that because she asked Jesus to forgive her of her sins and invited Him into her heart as her personal Savior and Lord. I am further convinced by her comments and conversations that we have had that when her time comes she will spend the rest of eternity in heaven......probably taking care of the babies! Thanks again for your interest and prayers.


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