What an adventure, first trip in ambulance

Yesterday morning I awoke thanking God for a good nights sleep and went downstairs only to find mom crumpled up on the floor next to her bed. She was very resourceful and had pulled all her pillows and blankets off the bed to make her more comfortable. She was wide awake and alert - although told a number of different stories as to what had happened. It took 3 siblings standing around wondering how to get her up and one grandson who just said "Grammy, give me a hug" -and she did and he swept her into his arms and like that she was upright. She was fine for a couple of hours but then complained of her head hurting and her ribs aching. We decided to call the ambulance service and head out to the emergency room. What a nice crew! They made mom comfortable, hooked up an IV, drew blood and took her vitals and gave her oxygen. She was very dehydrated (which can cause dizzyness, confusion etc). We took her to the hospital where she worked for many years. It was a little like going home and the staff there was wonderful. The good news is after a cat scan of her head and xrays of her ribs and pelvis - she was declared well and we drove her home. Whew!! Now you can pray for me as I head out for another ministry weekend in downstate New York. Thanks


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