
You may wonder if I was on this trip. Yes, but behind the camera - at least on my photos.

One of the highlights of this day was walking into an area that immediately took me back in years. I had been with a team from Scotland in '92 or '93 and we did street ministry and meetings in that very spot. A lot of wonderful "God" things are going on in Bratislava today and some include people we worked with on that trip.
Mikhaila who is a good shopper bought a handmade wooden crossbow complete with arrows and Austin started his whistle collection.
Michael and Bryce and Austin continue to be international rock balancers and we found a most beautiful Burger King!!

In the town square there were craft booths set up and Raelene started a plate collection. All of us had a great time especially climbing and taking pictures around the castle and looking at the beautiful (not blue) Danube.


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