Our guest chef and computer guru....

We sadly said goodbye to our dear roomate Tammy and waved her off this morning when she headed back to her "other home" in Ukraine. Here she is at 6.30am working on my computer whom we are calling Lazurus as it was dead and has now recovered (PRAY!)
We were so blessed by her visit. Since she mostly lives in a typical Ukraine home with three generations (and three little boys under the age of 3) she seldom gets a chance to cook and she never has wireless connection so.... when she is "home" in Debrecen she sets up shop in the kitchen and enjoys! We sure enjoyed too, as she tried out new and old recipes on us (and our guests). The refrig is packed full of interesting leftovers and looks like a "mom" lives here :-).
Safe trip and hurry back, Tammy! You can check her blog at www.tswailes.blogspot.com
Here we are celebrating Pastor Ed's birthday. Edith made a great carrot cake and Tammy made her special pasta with fresh basil from the garden while I set the table :-).


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