Team Callery Fund Raiser

This is my sister is law Sue who is a breast cancer survivor (3 yrs). She heads up "Team Callery"

Donated baskets to be raffled

My sister Kathi and I with the 50-50 raffle tickets

I won a basket!!!!

and inside - Dunkin Donuts coffee with travel mug, biscotti and a crossword book

"Team Callery" had all 32 lanes filled, the 50-50 raised more than $700 and the baskets were a great success. We raised more than $2000 for the American Cancer Society. Our next event is the "Relay for Life" in June.


Yea, a Callery won a basket....uh was rigged! JUST KIDDING! How fun! What a great cause and may God Himself eradicate every kind of cancer for the Glory of His Son, Jesus! Hope you find your camera, girl!
Unknown said…
Hey-- Tatas? Save the tatas? GOTTA love this! :) Tata

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