May trip to Romania with team from Scotland

God is so good!! In March, Jackie and I were talking about who to ask to speak in May. As my heart turned to the Lord with the question, He dropped the name of my good friend Beth Soper in my heart. I had spent my first 5 years on the mission field as admin assistant to Beth and her husband LaVere but for the last few years Beth had not been traveling.  It turns out 2 days before my call to Beth, the Holy Spirit had been "stirring" her up and encouraging her to travel and minister again.  She said, "Ok, Lord but if this is you, please have someone call and ask me for a specific assignment!!  Imagine "our" surprise and delight!! It turns out, it had been 7 years since Beth had ministered in another country and what a GREAT Word she brought where ever she ministered. Plus, we got to stay together and catch up on all our life happenings since we had last seen each other.  As soon as Beth said, Yes!! a team of wonderful Scottish friends joined and what a blessing that was!!

Now for some photo highlights:

Beth, Marion, Ellen, Liz with her daughter Rachel who is spending this semester of univ in BP

Evening along the Danube, so beautiful!! Marion, Ellen, Beth, MJ, Liz

We could be in Paris!! Rachel taking our photo!

Beth studying her notes on the train to Arad, Romania

We were early to come to school!! Beth, Ellen, MJ, Sarah

Two lovely Romanian women, Vio and Adina

Beth, the teacher with Adina, the translator at the village school

Wouldn't this be a good album oops CD cover: "Beth, the comeback tour!"

Beth ministering for the City-wide Ladies meeting in Arad. We were again blessed with a great worship group.

Sarah and Elizabeth helping Beth with her "Throne of your heart" message
Beth's anointing, strength and joy was deep and long-lasting on this trip. We ministered in the village school on Friday eve, a City-wide meeting at a new location on Saturday and Sunday at the gypsy church in Vinga.  Everyone loved Beth and the Scottish ladies who prayed, gave testimony and blessed all of us! It was a great trip!! We all look forward to the next time!!


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