Serbia, with Operation-Outcry

For a number of years, I have worked along-side a local (Budapest) Crisis Pregnancy Center called "Shout for Life".  I was often the "connect" between them and international visitors. Many of these visitors were very courageous women who publicly speak of how abortion has hurt their lives. I now count many of them dear friends.  In addition, from 2005 I have regularly led post-abortion Bible studies.   Last month all of these things culminated in my first mission trip to Serbia answering a call from a Hungarian speaking crisis pregnancy center to come teach women how to lead a post-abortion Bible study.

30 ladies and a few pastors came to our week-end retreat.  Two Operation-Outcry ladies came from the USA and we traveled from Budapest with a delegation from our Hungarian Center. We had bible studies with us in Hungarian and Russian and needed the Russian,too.

God lead us to go through the 8 chapters of "Forgiven and Set Free" as if we were running a bible study. From the beginning we encouraged the ladies to receive not just through their intellect but expect revelation from God. We had many praying for our time there and God did extraordinary things! By the 2nd day we had to "cancel our regularly scheduled "program" due to a move of God". All Glory to His name!!  Somehow, the Holy Spirit caused there to be such a trust, and intimacy develop that women began to spontaneously share their hurts, life wounds and personal stories. His presence was so powerful, many lives were changed, healed and restored!!

Our goal was to see a "few" women equipped to lead studies, and "a hope" that warrior women would stand tall and share the affects of their abortion AND how Jesus had healed them. And God did more than we could imagine!! A Bible study has started in Russian and multiple ones in Hungarian. A baby's life has been saved already by the testimony from the weekend and a number of "Life advocates" have risen up. Women, warrior women -  are preparing their testimonies for their churches and for public testimony.

I am overwhelmed with God's Grace as He took our little and made it much for His Kingdom's sake!!
I may never be the same again!

I humbly come before you dear Jesus. You know I thought I was "only along for the ride" on this trip but it turned out, I was a "key" you wanted to use. I thank you that you broke through and helped me feel Your hand on me, choosing me, pulling me from the darkness, the slumber of quiver-time. You chose me and set me on the bow. You had a target in mind and you caused all things to work together for the good and Your results God, are so much more than anything I could do!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Thank you for using each one of us, each needed, each willing, each faithful to Your call and then lives were touched and changed and Your Kingdom established on earth as it is in heaven. Amen!


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