Kamakazi* Kathi and the Baltimore babies
Meet Sage Fury - she will be 1 in less than 2 weeks. She is a sweetie and almost ready to walk.
You can do it, Sage!
Here is her Australian cousin Jacob Nathan - he is 6.5 months old and weighs more than Sage. He is an armful and a cutie!
Jacob is not too sure of these "Great Aunts"
Sage loves to play in front of the mirror. When she sees the "baby" she says "Sage". She is not just a pretty face!
Great Aunt Kathi and our little "Aussie"
*Kamakazi because this is a typical Kathi trip - let's go to Baltimore while our nieces are together and we will see the babies. We will leave by 9am on Tues and drive 7 hrs and arrive home by 7pm (Wed) New Years eve. Come on Mary Jill - this will be a nice rest for you! Well, it was a change of pace but a rest?? It was great fun and I did get to drive through New York, Pennsylvania and Maryland. :-). The best of course was to spend time with our nieces, Meghan (Jason) and Lauren (Brett) and meet the babies!
*Kamakazi because this is a typical Kathi trip - let's go to Baltimore while our nieces are together and we will see the babies. We will leave by 9am on Tues and drive 7 hrs and arrive home by 7pm (Wed) New Years eve. Come on Mary Jill - this will be a nice rest for you! Well, it was a change of pace but a rest?? It was great fun and I did get to drive through New York, Pennsylvania and Maryland. :-). The best of course was to spend time with our nieces, Meghan (Jason) and Lauren (Brett) and meet the babies!