My Birthday - July 11 and the tent party,

My birthday was a total blessing starting with the scripture God gave me from "The Message Bible"

Psa 2:7,8 - "And today is your birthday. What do you want? Name it: Nations as a present? continents as a prize? You can command them all to dance for you!"

That morning I spoke at the International Church of Budapest ...and they danced during worship. A first, I think. God is true to His word and I am asking Him for the nations!!

Thanks for all the cards, e-cards, e-mails, and face book greetings. Talking to my son and grandchildren was the icing on the cake that day.
The photo above is my neighbors delivering a birthday cake, flowers and some beautiful needlework. They don't look happy because they also came to apologize. Their daughter and her cousin (in picture) had gotten permission from me to tent out in my yard the evening before. The 2 girls in one tent became 6 girls in 3 tents - No problem I said - until the boys started hanging over my front fence!! What was I thinking!! The next day, they came bearing cake and the report that 32 youth were in my yard!! Mercy me, I must have slept right through that! I am now praying about helping someone start a youth ministry for this village. Any ideas who to ask?


Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
We made a great team that day and it was so good to see our African friends especially dancing like David danced! It is amazing what God can do if we are just obedient. I told you Sandor didnt want to do the song that allowed God's Spirit to break through because he didn't know it as well in English as in Hungarian. I can't even dance!! So God has a great sense of humor and all things work together for good to them that love him and are the called according to HIS PURPOSES!!

Love you,

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