Mar 1 - Heading to Israel

A number of years ago as I was reading throught the Psalms, I felt the Lord whisper - "Your eyes will see Jerusalem"! Over the years I have hung on to that Word and wondered, "When Lord, When?? And now, today is the day!! I will be heading out early because I am flying ElAl Airlines and it is important to get there 2 plus hours before for all the screening. I should arrive Tel Aviv at 2.05 Monday afternoon. There I will be met by representatives of Be'ad Chaim, an Israeli Pro-Life group, wait for a few more people and then drive to a guest house on the shores of the Sea of Galilee not far from Tiberius. The attendees of this 7 day Pro-Life Conference will meet at 6pm for dinner and at 8pm for our first session. I will be rooming with a dear friend from Iowa. You may remember my "Summer of Love" and being "kidnapped" to Iowa after "TheCall Nashville" on 7/7/7 - I met Luanna then and what a summer that was! Check the side bar and click to read about that time.

My friends, Ed and Susan from the Hungarian Crisis Pregnancy Center, Shout for Life will also be attending. I so appreciate your interest and any prayer coverage you can extend! I am not bringing my computer but I will try to keep you updated. Blessings,
and Happy Birthday to my son, Michael!! I always try to do something special on my birthday - this year starts a new tradition!


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