Dancing in the rain

After a wonderful trip to Ukaine, a sunny sightseeing day in Budapest on Thursday and seeing the team off this morning, I finally headed home to do laundry and repack. After an hour in the traffic driving through rainy Budapest, I stopped at an outlying metro station which has a Burger King. I noticed a film crew outside when I walked in but they were just hanging out. I got something to eat and sat by the front window. At first I amused myself by watching two grown women who looked like employees out front adjusting their BK crowns! So fun to watch especially as I had recently ministered to about 40 "Gypsy princesses" encouraging them to keep their crowns from slipping and their royal gowns from getting muddy and talked about the need for washing the "dirt" of life off our feet so we could minister to "Our Royal King". Then I noticed here at this gray, rainy station the camera crew had moved into action to film a man and a woman dancing in the rain. He had on a white diner jacket and she had on normal clothes and a coat! They were dancing and twirling, the BK crowned ones were watching and I was wishing I had my camera with me!! Dear Lord, help me to be willing to dance even in the rain on a gloomy Friday! Amen!

and then I came home and....danced!


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