Ministry in Khust

Natasha and her daughter Kata go into the abandoned babies ward of the local hospital twice weekly. The church donates all the disposable diapers and the ladies change, wash, groom and hold the babies. Now there are 5 - 4 boys and 1 girl. 4 have been here since birth and are adoptable. Edick is 14 months old but can't walk yet - not enough time out of the crib.
Here Pastor Vitaliy and Olena hold 2 babies freshly cared for.
The church in Khust
The young girls bless the ladies meeting with special worship

I was invited to Khust to minister for a ladies meeting. Over 150 people attended from all over the region. They ranged in age from 6 -76, churched and unsaved. Praise God for His mighty presence in our midst. He really helped me adapt my message to minister broadly. The theme was "The wife has made herself ready" Rev 19.7. Five minutes before the meeting started I found out it was an evangelistic meeting. :-) (rather than for the churched). God came through powerfully as I folded up my notes and cried out for grace and help! Praise His mighty Name!! We all had a special time.


Did you say adoptable???? Hmmm. I NEED to laugh....just FYI.

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