Return to Romania mid November - the Team

Another Women's meeting in Arad, Romania. The 4th joint meeting this year between Certain Women  and Women for Women. Our special guest speaker was my dear friend Arden Campbell. Arden had been a missionary in Szeged, Hungary for 11 years. Last year she moved back to the USA to become a part of IHOP Kansas City  (International House of Prayer). While still in Szeged Arden and I worked together with others to start an outreach to University students (ICF).  With Arden is Cathy Williamson. She and her family and a Swedish couple have taken over the leadership of ICF. Cathy was our team driver and prayer and ministry helper. This was Arden's first ministry trip back to Hungary.

Arden and Cathy

Jackie and MJ
Arden ministered on Hope in God and the power of Forgiveness and walking that out daily.  One of the key points for all, "Unforgivness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die!" We had almost 60 ladies in attendence and all were blessed by the message, the prayers, the gifts given. Arden was especially generous giving away her cd's and her new book "Walking Forward - Discoveries in Freedom and Forgiveness"


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