November guests

Do you remember in 2007 when I was in Nashville for "TheCall" and instead of crossing the country to California by bus, I was "kidnapped" to Iowa? Well, my dear "kidnapper" Luana came to Budapest for a visit.  Since 2007, we have been blessed to see each other 2 different times in Iowa, once in Kansas City at IHOP and spent a week together in Israel this spring.  What a blessing to have her and our friend Deb come for a visit.

Susan on left, Jack on right - Missionaries in Hu w Luana and Deb and Esther a German in Romania who was an exchange student and lived with Deb in IL - Reunion - Budapest

MJ, Deb and Luana

Luana in Szentendre

Luana did a little shopping

Arrivel - Orange Busways - new for me


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