Ministry in Ukraine

Paul with Luba. She is the director of Dombokie the orphanage where we are helping to place "graduates"
Church of the Living God, Muckachevo - Pastors Ivan and Tibi meet with Anya, Richard, MJ, Fred and Paul in there almost finished sanctuary.

Joseph and Tanya have recently opened up a house for street children to live with them as family - they have 10 children now. (2 of their own). They also rented a small storefront in their new neighborhood in Uzghorod and their older street children have started a soup kitchen which feeds 85 kids daily. They would really appreciate your prayers. Tanya studies English now and will see us in October 2010 at GOIAM.

This was dinner on one remarkable day when we were served breakfast, full lunch and full supper!! How did we ever forget true, rich, deep Ukrainian fellowship always includes a meal?? And why did we meet people every 3 hours that day?! PS - the meal(s) were fabulous!!

Pastor Paul between Marika and Vasily who are "mom & dad" to our Domboki graduates. Directly behind Paul is our Allah who we rescued from a terrible home situation her sister in blue scarf and her brother (not in photo- at school) are now living with her, here in Pavlova.


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