I really should be packing but.....

In Budapest with Tom and Denise Walsh and Tom and Sally Easterly - visitors from New York on a rainy Sunday in Budapest - of course the weekends before and after were sunny, nonetheless these intrepid travelers navigated Budapest with no problems.
In the country - an abundance of apples and the (other) neighbor's hens

My nearest and dearest neighbors - Sandor and Eva

And at home in Debrecen - first attempt at homemade ice cream - chocolate and yummy
and time to catch up with friends

Agi and Janos have a new business

and when there are few customers - Agi builds up her Faith!

Ok - so now you are caught up - I need to continue packing - the mover comes tomorrow to give me an estimate and to see what size truck we need. My last week in Debrecen - mixed emotions as this has been a wonderful city to live in and it has been a very fruitful assignment.


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