
Arden, MJ, Jill, Kendra, Julie and baby Elisha, Marcie, Nyla and Josh, Ginny and Peter

We took time on Saturday to have a BBQ. Arden invited her close friends Jill and Marcie -two wonderful women of God who helped Arden get her house bought, renovated and filled with tenants . Julie and her husband and son live downstairs now, Kendra used to live there and Nyla will. (See Arde's blog for more on our BBQ). The party was to introduce me to Arden's new circle of friends and how sweet that was and the prayer time - WOW!

Peter, Ginny and Josh just moved to Kansas City, too and I wanted them to meet Arden. Turns out they will take the "IHOP introduction" 3 month class with her at the end of the month. It was a blessing to connect Arden with my friends whom I met in Budapest and visited in Kiev.

IHOP is an amazing place and an intersection of the nations. There are so many young people here that it seems like a youth revival. I can see why God is leading older and more seasoned Christians here - maybe to be moms and dads to the young ones.


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