Successful meeting!

Levi making sure Murphy has plenty of watermelon

Thanks for all who prayed!! I had a wonderful drive over to Nashua (4 hrs) and great liberty in speaking. My main text was Jeremiah 29.11. I encouraged everyone that God has good plans and future and hope for our lives. Maybe a bit basic BUT what if we absolutely believed Him no matter what we are going through right now.

It is always special to spend time with my Berube friends. I got to catch up with Paul and Sandy and their daughters Katie and Chrissy and her husband Jeff and son Levi. Got to bless their "bump" a baby girl due in September and of course, Murphy their dog. Even got to talk with Ryan in Montana. Friends how sweet it is.

I am "encouraging" Katie to missionize her vacation this year and come to Hungary in November - that would be a prayer point for you!


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