Ministry in Tarnow, Poland. May, 2015

After meeting the Skarbek family in Krakow in January, I was invited to Tarnow, where they have a church to share my testimony at an Aglow meeting.  Just before I arrived they asked if I would minister to the youth on Friday night and the church on Sunday! What a blessing for those doors to open wide and God was so good to fill my mouth and bless our services!!!

Here is their write up of the youth meeting in Polish and in English:

Jesteśmy właśnie po spotkaniu z Mary Jill Callery! Był to niesamowity czas, zostaliśmy potężnie zachęceni i nabraliśmy nowych sił do działania! Oby więcej takich spotkań! Kochamy cię Mary! Kluczowy werset tego spotkania to 1Tym 4:12 "Niechaj nikt nie lekceważy twego młodego wieku, lecz wzorem bądź dla wiernych w mowie, w obejściu, w miłości, w wierze, w czystości."/ We are after the youth meeting with Mary Jill Callery! It was an amazing time, we got encouraged and are ready for new things! We want more meetings like that! By the way, we love you Mary! The key verse was 1Tim 4:12 " Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity." Be blessed!

I shared my testimony at Aglow on Saturday and on Sunday the Lord gave me a Word for the church and Pastor Jan and his wife Basia (Barbara). At the ministry time, I prayed for most everyone at church. It was then that I learned all the young ones - 9-12 had asked if Sunday school could be canceled so they could stay n the meeting to hear me. My heart was so touched! There were quite a few single moms that cam for prayer, plus the "new kind" of single moms - the ones who are at home while the husband travels to work in other parts of the EU.  My heart really went out to them and I began asking the Lord of I could return to help them.  Before the day had ended Pastor Jan & Barbara asked if I would put my life in Budapest on hold and come back for sometime to help them with the women's ministry and perhaps with teaching English. I answered that God had already touched my heart and I would be praying about it. I was then invited to be the main speaker at July's Church camp. So, Tarnow, I will return!!


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