International Church of Budapest...update

In February 2011, I became a trustee and the chief elder of the International Church here in Budapest.  It really has been an exciting time serving the Lord in this new position. I still do get to travel as "Certain Women Ministries" but my primary focus has been the church.  I think that all International Churches are interesting, fluctuating and a bit of a challenge.  For one thing, you are usually located in a very large city, meeting in english while your closest neighbors speak a different language than you and your congregation is spread out over a very long distance. The other challenge is some people are just visiting, some are on short-term assignments and only a minority are established there for long-term.   So, building blocks are in limited supply.  Our congregation has grown since 2010 and has had one service with 70 people but usually we are a low of 24 to around 60.  You never know from Sunday to Sunday who will be there.

God has been faithful to encourage us greatly this year with His promises of healing and provision and purpose as we enter in to the Promised Land of His Kingdom purposes.  Many people are awakening to the call of God on their lives and we are encouraging everyone to find their place of gifting, calling,  and destiny for His glory.

This Sunday, the Lord had me speak on the "River of God".  We had a wonderful worship that morning with a distinctive  "international" flair. We had songs in both English and Hungarian, an anointed worship dancer from Philippines and worship with a spontaneous delegation of African dancers.  What joy was in the house!!  In the middle of worship God gave a Word of knowledge about wanting to heal a problem in the right knee. I think 4 or 5 people responded with some instantaneous healings happening. Very exciting!!

On this particular Sunday we were also praying for people as they left us to go into the nations. God was encouraging us that, of course,  there is a sadness is seeing people you care for and who are part of you leaving but that we needed to look at it as an extension, enlargement, even a strategic stretching out of our tents pegs. (Isa 54. 2,3).  I started my preaching on the "River" in Gen 2.10 "Now a river went out from Eden to water the garden and from there it parted and became four river heads." Amazing as we realized our "tent pegs" were being planted in 4 places, into the grounds of South Africa, the Philippines, Canada and Taiwan!  I went on to read about the river in Ezekiel 47: and great joy filled us when we read in vs 4 about the water coming up to our knees!! Yeah God, the river is rising!!! and He touched our knees with those healing waters!

Not enough time to tell of all God did but I came home a bit "undone" by the Lord's tender mercies, gentle care and healing ways. Yes, I am refreshed, I am encouraged and I am right where He wants me!!

Psa 36: 7,8 How precious is your loving kindness, O God! Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Your wings. 8. They are abundantly satisfied with the fullness of Your house, And you give them drink from the river of your pleasures!


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