Beauty for Ashes Bible Study

Agi and her crown of beauty
I am really rejoicing in the afterglow of the fellowship of the ladies and of the Spirit in my recent 3 week Bible study called "Beauty for Ashes" based on Psa 61.  It is a study on the healing of emotions and I had 12 wonderful ladies attending.  We did 3 sessions this month and will do 4 more in November and will including healing from the spirit of rejection.  All the ladies are Hungarian and are precious to the Lord and to me!!  One night I gave as optional homework to create your crown of beauty. We got some great entries but only one photo. Thanks Agi.
OK ladies, let's take a group photo!

Well, done! Now meet, Lizi, Rita, Judit, Terri, Dori,  Rozsa, Andi and 3 Agi/Agne's, 2 Zsuzsa's and an MJ!

It was also my joy to witness to one of these, prebelievers and pray for 2 to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Father for the good work that you have begun, that you will complete!!

I look forward to seeing you precious ones and your friends :-) in November!!


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