A season of fruit and not just dinnye (watermelon)
Good friend Kata visited for a few days this week. She was amazed to see & hear a car drive by with a recording "Dinnye, Sargadinnye eladó" (watermelon, cantalope for sale) Out we went to select our dinnye from the trunk and back seat and bought a 10 kilo watermelon (over 20 lbs and the smallest he had). Ahhhhh, village life in August - it was fresh picked, sweet and delicious and by evening it was almost all gone!!
That night we were invited to the neighbors where we prayed with the lady of the house who was encouraged to proclaim Jesus as Lord over her life, family and home. Within minutes her husband joined us and poured out his heart and disappointment with God. He had once given his life to God and Kata and I were there at the time but now his heart was turned. He did allow us to pray for him and God showed up! This prodigal turned and sensed once again the Lord's presence and peace. How we rejoiced. The next day this mom came to us bringing her daughter and she too returned to the Lord and got filled with His Holy Spirit!! Talk about a joyous celebration!! The prodigals are back home with the Lord and to stay (their words!) This morning 4 of us prayed together and God met with us and encouraged us to ask for His wisdom for the paths we walk. Please join us in pray for these dear ones to be strong in the Lord. We will continue to meet often to pray.